Greatness Through Gratitude

Are you constantly struggling with life? If so, you might be focusing on the wrong things. Practicing daily gratitude will help you turn your life around. Want what you have and what you want will come to you!
We live in a world that focuses on instant gratification. We compare the bounties and prosperity of others to ours and end up focusing on our ‘have nots’. Focusing on what we don’t have usually only makes us want it more and when we want it bad enough, we will take almost any action that doesn’t seem life-threatening or that we think won’t cause immediate harm.
Many people often find themselves borrowing money to close the gap between what they have and what others have. As a result, many people are swallowed in debt and become trapped in a never-ending cycle of wanting, buying, and spiraling deeper into debt.
When we get stuck in this cycle, we forget to appreciate what we DO have; telling ourselves, “When I have everything, I want…THEN I'll be grateful!”
But that is not the way the Universe works…
Whatever your situation is, focusing on what is lacking in your life is the single most effective way to ensure that you stay in a state of scarcity.
If you have become accustomed to only seeing scarcity all around you, then my guess is that gratitude will be the last thing on your mind. Well, that's fine if you're happy for things to stay exactly as they are now.
You might ask this question: “But How Can I Show Gratitude When I Don't Have What I Want?” And that IS a good question; so, here's a good answer: Make A Habit Of It. Gratitude is one of the most important things you can practice if you want to manifest goodness. By focusing on what you already have, you allow yourself to receive even more, so it is vital to practice heartfelt gratitude.
The suggestion I am going to make may be difficult for you at first, but I can guarantee it is worth it. Make a commitment to change the way you see your life. Take stock of everything you have. You might be surprised and even amazed at all the little things that you forgot are so special to you.
Begin by downloading the 5 Things Gratitude Tool or grab a sheet of paper and make a bulleted/numbered list.
2. Now draw or write all the positive things you have in your life.Don’t be afraid to get creative! Color or make a collage on the 5 Things Gratitude Tool or your list. To wrap-up, ask yourself, “How can I make this a regular habit?” Practicing gratitude each day will remind you of the good things and help you feel better about your life.
1. Think of just 5 things to be genuinely thankful or grateful for and draw/write them on the hand or your list. Think about: Who loves you? Who are your friends? What are you proud of? What about your children, how do they light up your life?an't think of 5? Look around you and think smaller and smaller until you can come up with 5 things.
3. Try posting your gratitude drawing or list in a place that you will see it often.This will remind you of what you have, particularly those things we often take for granted or forget. As gratitude takes root, you open yourself up to attract more wonderful things. The Law of Attraction always makes sure that this will happen.
It’s up to you to make your life. Take what you have and stack it up like a tower of teetering blocks. Build your dream around that.